To the attention of foreign candidates (EU and non-EU) interested in obtaining the Linguistic Competence Certificate that is to be included in the admissions file:
Candidates can enroll at ouc.elc@gmail.com, by 8 September 2020, 10 am.
The exam is scheduled for 8 September, 2 pM.
Required documents: application form, clear photocopy of candidate’s valid passport, exam enrollment fee proof (100 euros).
– The fee in EURO will be paid into the account of “Ovidius” University of Constanta, opened at Banca Comercială Română of Constanta, IBAN: RO49RNCB0114032053160011 (SWIFT: RNCBROBU).
– The tax number of OUC: 4301332.
– Please specify: “Litere CCL [candidate’s name]”.
Registered candidates