Why Ovidius?
Constanța a gateway to EuropeSituated in Constanta, the largest city in South-East Romania, the Ovidius University is located in an economically booming region, with the largest harbors in the region, connected to the capital by a modern highway, to Europe by the Black Sea – Danube canal and to the world by an international airport. A bridge between East and West, North and South, Constanța is an eastern gate to the European Union.
The city has a long history, starting with the ancient metropolis of Tomis, founded about 2600 years ago by Greek colonists. With a diverse ethnic and cultural mix, Constanța is a space of friendship and mutual understanding. The seaside city is a great attraction for youth, in the summer being a favorite holiday destination and in the rest of the year a town of universities, pulsating with vibrant student life.
A prestigious Eastern European university
Established in 1961 the university has been one of the most prestigious comprehensive public institutions of higher education in Romania. With over 15,000 students, of which about 1200 are international, it is the largest university in South-East Romania and the largest university of the European Union at the Black Sea.
A wide range of degree programs
Ovidius University has study programs in medical and natural sciences, humanities and engineering, social and economic sciences, law and administrative sciences, theology and arts. Ovidius University of Constanța offers nationally and internationally accredited programs at all three levels of study, the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees offered being recognized in the entire European Union and beyond.
A unique university campus
Modern lecture halls and laboratories welcome you in the new campus, located at the Northern limit of the city, next to the summer resort of Mamaia. In the city center classes are taught in historical buildings that have undergone extensive reconstruction and modernization of technological infrastructure as well as laboratory facilities, classrooms and libraries.
Easy handling of student matters
OUC is building a modern information system that lowers the paperwork, queues, and extra trips. The information system will guide you through your studies, giving access to your records, allowing enrolling for classes, accessing study materials etc.
Take part in top-level research
Ovidius University is a higher education institution where research and teaching are closely linked. The newly built Center for Cancer Research, the Institute for Nanotechnologies, the research centers in humanities and applied sciences offer our students the chance to work on current research topics with outstanding scholars using modern infrastructure.
Diploma Supplement for graduates
All graduates of Ovidius University receive a bilingual Diploma Supplement, internationally recognized. It includes a transcript in Romanian and English of all tests taken, a list of courses completed during studies, the number of credits and grades according to the ECTS scale, information about diploma work, graduation exams and overall evaluation of studies.
Excellent prospects for graduates
The university hosts extracurricular activities that help students in acquiring complementary skills and assist them in finding jobs. The center for student counseling also tracks the alumni after graduation and surveys their satisfaction.
Admissions 2018
Information about admissions in 2017
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